Our spring consignment sale is around the corner, and that means it is time to sort through your stuff. Pull the boxes out of the attic, the garage, from under the bed, and anywhere else that you’ve stashed those baby clothes. For some, this is relatively easy. For the rest of us, this may be the most challenging aspect. We pull out those precious baby clothes, the clothes that adorned our rough and tumble children when they were small and fragile. We smell them, they smell like the attic. We hold them close. It brings back all the memories, and all the feels. Steel yourself mama, it must be done. You’ll feel better reclaiming your home, your space, and lightening the load. You’ll feel even better once you get your consignment check. With that goal in mind, lets look at how to effectively sort your stash prior to the sale.
- Designate command central. One small area of your home is going to be taken over by consignment sale boxes, hangers, tags, etc. Find a place that you can set everything up, and it isn’t going to drive you crazy. Remember, this is short term, and will all be worth it in the end.
- Drag out all of the boxes/bags/storage totes. Sure, you can do this one at a time, but it takes longer. When you pull it all out at once, it streamlines the process.
- Assemble your tools. At a minimum you will need card stock, a printer, a phone or computer (depending on how you input your items), safety pins, and wire hangers. You may also find permanent markers, packing tape, ziplock bags, and a rolling rack helpful.
- Sort. Initially you want to separate boys clothing from girls clothing, and toys/books/stuff to the side. As you sort the clothing into two piles (boys and girls), make sure to look over them really well. You wouldn’t want to purchase heavily worn clothing, or clothing with stains. Put those items to the side. You may also consider a box for items that you just can’t part with.
- Sort again. This may seem redundant, but I promise it’s not. You’ve sorted your boys from your girls, and now it’s time to sort by size. This will save you a significant amount of time when it comes to entering your clothing for the sale. Put all NB Boys together, 0-3M Boys, and so on. During this step you can also start hanging your items. Use safety pins for items that are too small or won’t stay on the hanger.
- Enter your items, and tag. Then you’re done!