Registration Deadline: Sat Feb 29 10:00 AM OR until maximum seller number is reached which could be an earlier date (plan accordingly, this maximum number cannot be increased).
Deadline to create item tags using MyConsignmentManager:
Mon, Mar 2, noon
Sale Setup: Tues, Mar 3, 9 - 11am
Item drop-off: Tues, Mar 3, 11:00 am - 2 pm; 4 - 8 pm
Wed, Mar 4, 9:00 - 1 pm. YOU MUST PICK A TIME FOR DROP OFF ON THE MYCONSIGNMENT MANAGER SITE WHERE YOU ENTER YOUR ITEMS. Please select 'Check In' to select a drop off slot)
Pre-Shop for Volunteers: Wed, Mar 4, 4 - 8 pm (based on volunteer hours; childcare for shoppers only provided from 4 - 6 pm with reservation) No children allowed on sales floor. PLEASE EMAIL US IF YOU NEED CHILDCARE TO SHOP.
Evening Pre-shop for Sellers: Mar 4, 6 - 8pm No children allowed on sales floor.
Sale Dates: Thurs, Mar 5, 9 - 11 am (sellers; no kids)
Thurs Mar 5, 11 - 7 pm (public, no kids)
Fri, Mar 6 , 9 - 3 pm
Fri, Mar 6, 11 - 3 pm (seller 1/2 price)
Sat, Mar 7 , 9 - 1 pm (public 1/2 price)
Tear-Down & Clean-Up: Sat, Mar 7 1 - 5 pm
Item Pickup: Mon, Mar 9, 11 - 2 pm; 4 - 7 pm (Any items NOT picked up by 7 pm on Monday will be picked up by Norcross Coop and Mustardseed on Tuesday Mar 10 9 AM).
Registration Deadline: Sat Feb 29 10:00 AM OR until maximum seller number is reached which could be an earlier date (plan accordingly, this maximum number cannot be increased).
Deadline to create item tags using MyConsignmentManager:
Mon, Mar 2, noon
Sale Setup: Tues, Mar 3, 9 - 11am
Item drop-off: Tues, Mar 3, 11:00 am - 2 pm; 4 - 8 pm
Wed, Mar 4, 9:00 - 1 pm. YOU MUST PICK A TIME FOR DROP OFF ON THE MYCONSIGNMENT MANAGER SITE WHERE YOU ENTER YOUR ITEMS. Please select 'Check In' to select a drop off slot)
Pre-Shop for Volunteers: Wed, Mar 4, 4 - 8 pm (based on volunteer hours; childcare for shoppers only provided from 4 - 6 pm with reservation) No children allowed on sales floor. PLEASE EMAIL US IF YOU NEED CHILDCARE TO SHOP.
Evening Pre-shop for Sellers: Mar 4, 6 - 8pm No children allowed on sales floor.
Sale Dates: Thurs, Mar 5, 9 - 11 am (sellers; no kids)
Thurs Mar 5, 11 - 7 pm (public, no kids)
Fri, Mar 6 , 9 - 3 pm
Fri, Mar 6, 11 - 3 pm (seller 1/2 price)
Sat, Mar 7 , 9 - 1 pm (public 1/2 price)
Tear-Down & Clean-Up: Sat, Mar 7 1 - 5 pm
Item Pickup: Mon, Mar 9, 11 - 2 pm; 4 - 7 pm (Any items NOT picked up by 7 pm on Monday will be picked up by Norcross Coop and Mustardseed on Tuesday Mar 10 9 AM).