Sizing Conversion chart
Sometimes trying to figure out what age ranges correspond to S-M-L sizing by different clothing companies can be challenging. Small in Gymboree means ages 2 - 3 whereas Small in Carters means age 5. Let's not even get into the world of Hanna Andersson which insists on sizing in centimeters! We want you to put all of your clothes into an age category so if you've got lots of S, M and L on your clothing labels, use this handy chart to convert them to age. Of course, account for anything that you know has shrunk in the wash. If the label in the shirt says age 10 but your son wore the shirt at age 8 please make a note of this on your tag and label it an 8. Of course, if you find yourself saying that about ALL of your son's clothing 'runs small', please consider that your son may 'run large' and the clothing is true to size.
Here is the link to the sizing chart:
Here is the link to the sizing chart: